"Wer Leitet" Knowledge Graph

From Wer Leitet?


Wer leitet.jpg

The "Wer Leitet" (WL) Knowledge Graph is free and open. It contains data about people who lead various companies in Germany from 1940 to 1941.

Access to data

Use Cases

  • Searching identifiers of German companies for the period 1940-1941
  • Matching your (meta)data to WL data using the WL reconciliation service
  • Clean your tabular data and match it to the WL knowledge graph with OpenRefine and the WL reconciliation service
  • Semantic annotation of tabular data using the WL knowledge graph with bbw
  • Federated queries over AWL, Wikidata and other SPARQL endpoints

Get involved


This work was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the project "BERD@NFDI".